World Energy Congress
10 Sep 2019

Alseamar is pleased to showcase Oil & Gas applications of its SeaExplorer underwater glider at @Total booth in World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, September 9 - 12th September . Come and visit us at booth H5-150 !
10 Sep 2019
Alseamar is pleased to showcase Oil & Gas applications of its SeaExplorer underwater glider at @Total booth in World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, September 9 - 12th September . Come and visit us at booth H5-150 !
13 Sep 2018
This innovative Subsea Light Vehicle has been designed to provide the best ergonomics, protection and performances for 2 combat divers fully equipped.
The MURENE is fitted with a cutting edge Inertial Navigation System coupled to a Doppler Velocity Log and a GPS. Its small dimension allows it to be easly deployed from a rigid inflatable boat or from a submarine through a torpedo tube. Its greater ease of use and intuitive piloting, make it a perfect device to sneak up on maritime targets.
The MURENE will exhibit for the first time during EURONAVAL2018 show, Paris, 23-26 October.
28 Jun 2018
A large percentage of the world’s yet-to-find oil and gas resources lie under the seabed. Offshore exploration may be critical, but it poses major challenges: its high costs in particular make it difficult to carry out. That’s why it’s important to develop agile, selective technologies to locate promising emerging basins more efficiently, conquering this new offshore acreage cost-effectively. An example is the Glide project, in which a subsea glider equipped with special sensors detects natural hydrocarbon seepage in the water column. This innovation, a world first in the deep offshore, makes our exploration more efficient while cutting costs and HSE risks.
25 Apr 2018
ALSEAMAR's team is in the heart of the development of BRIDGES' Deep and Ultra Deep Explorer.
2mn film to highlight the relevance of the Glider technologies to monitor the seas of the globe.
23 Apr 2018
Engagés dans un accord de collaboration depuis 2013, Naval Group et Alcen prolongent leur coopération pour cinq ans. L’accord signé entre les deux sociétés établit un cadre pour favoriser des développements communs et identifier de nouveaux marchés.
19 Feb 2018
EARTH and ALSEAMAR will be pleased to welcome you at UMEX from Feb 25th to 27th at ADNEC Abu Dhabi.
Join us at booth n° 5-A05 to learn more about the long-term strategy of EARTH and ALSEAMAR to provide “Made in UAE” autonomous underwater and surface vehicles and associated systems, and services in the UAE.
Swimmer Delivery Vehicle SHPYRENE, SEAEXPLORER underwater Glider, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, and new R&D programs on Marine Robotic Systems.
Contact: /
24 Jan 2018
BMTI has introduced with success a new Premium grade for ROV/AUV buoyancies and manned and unmanned submersibles, requiring both low densities and high compressive/hydrostatic strengths.
The benefits of this Premium grade are :
23 Jan 2018
31 Aug 2017
ALSEAMAR had launched in March 2016 a glider of its SeaExplorer fleet on an offshore site where methane seeps are emanating from the seabed. This site known of oceanographers allowed for the first time with a glider, the validation of the detection of those seeps which are generally present on the continental slope, and to acquire unpublished data on the underwater dispersion of these gas seeps.
For confidentiality reasons data had been protected for a period of time, and have been recently released by ALSEAMAR.
The SeaExplorer glider is an underwater profiling drone piloted by satellite with weeks to months of endurance. It carried out a 10-day South / North and North / South route over 175 km, passing through several points of interest releasing gas seeps, equipped, among other things, with the Methane METS sensor from Franatech.
Data collected in real time by the glider allowed detection and mapping of these seeps in the outward as well as in the return. The glider emphasized the gas plumes (red signal on the plots) and in particular the dissolved part of the gas plume in the water column, which could be detected thanks to the high sensitivity of the Methane sensor.
For liquid hydrocarbon detection in water, Alseamar usually uses the innovative MiniFluo-UV fluorometer targetting the specific wavelengths of PAHs components.
ALSEAMAR operational teams have applied their know-how to process, analyze and map the collected data in 3D. This operation demonstrates the ability of the SeaExplorer glider to study unknown marine geological phenomena, this was a world first and offers many possibilities for exploration and knowledge of the marine environment.
25 Jul 2017
ALSEAMAR a reçu le prix de l’Innovation Collaborative, soulignant ainsi le travail réalisé en bonne intelligence avec les équipes R&D de NAVAL group, en particulier pour apporter des solutions de rupture dans le domaine des antennes de sous-marins.
DCNS (devenu NAVAL Group) a remis des trophées afin de récompenser les fournisseurs ayant fourni les meilleurs résultats dans 6 catégories(1) qui correspondent à des enjeux majeurs pour NAVAL Group.
« Ces 6 thématiques sont la base du travail que je souhaite mener avec vous, les fournisseurs. Sur les délais, DCNS a fait des progrès. Il reste encore du chemin à faire pour être dans le bon rythme des défis qui sont devant nous tant à l’international que dans le domaine de l’innovation » a conclu Hervé Guillou, Président de NAVAL group.