Submarines buoyancy
Syntactic Foams: Buoyancy for Military Submarine

Submarines buoyancy
Syntactic Foams: Buoyancy for Military Submarine

BMTI® by ALSEAMAR designs and manufactures large one-piece parts such as hydroplane blades or rudders for military submarines which are crucial to vessel and crew safety, as well as structural and filling parts of various shapes and volumes.
Formulations and innovative industrial processes have been developed to manufacture these systems and solve the exothermal issues generated by their large size.
Amongst other factors, the choice of Syntactic Foams and the manufacturing process depend on the mechanical constraints imposed by the client.
BMTI® Syntactic Foams are qualified to meet the very stringent technical requirements of military submarines.
These products are distributed under BMTI trade mark, and are strictly identical to the former BMTI Company (formulation, products, design and manufacturing).